Rising Tide Partners Kennedy Housing Preservation & Blight Remediation (77-N-103 & 77-N-104) | Perry South


PARCEL NOS. 77-N-103 & 77-N-104 | PERRY SOUTH

  • Address: 243 Kennedy Avenue (Parcel No. 77-N-103)
  • Address: 247 Kennedy Avenue (Parcel No. 77-N-104)
  • Applicant: Rising Tide Partners
  • End Use: Single-Family Home Rehabilitation
The Pittsburgh Land Bank is acquiring this property to sell to Rising Tide Partners who is investing in this block of the Perry South neighborhood. Rising Tide Partners will rehabilitate 243 Kennedy Avenue for affordable homeownership and evaluate 247 Kennedy Avenue to determine whether the home is salvageable or will need to be demolished. 
The PLB Board approved the sale of these properties at its public meeting on Friday, July 12, 2024. 
  • Do you have questions about the development project?

  • Do you have general feedback for Land Bank Staff and/or Board?

  • Do you want to file an objection or express support for the sale?