Board Meetings

The Pittsburgh Land Bank Board of Directors meetings are open to the public.


When: Friday, February 14, 2025, at 1 PM
Where: Zoom Webinar: Forthcoming

Meeting ID: Forthcoming     Passcode: Forthcoming |   +1 929 205 6099 US (New York) 

Meetings are televised live on the Pittsburgh City Cable Channel and recorded for future viewing on the City Channel. They can also be viewed on the City’s YouTube Channel.
Meetings are open to the general public and begin with Public Comment immediately following roll call, and a second time at the end of the meeting. Please register in advance using the form below.
Any person having an interest should take the opportunity to share any input you have with the PLB Board and Staff.

Public Comment Registration

Members of the public may register to give live comment during a PLB Board Meeting or submit written comment to While Registration is not required to give public comment, registering for public comment prior to the meeting helps PLB Staff better prepare for the public meeting. Registration remains open until 11:00 a.m. the day of the Board Meeting (second Friday of the month).

Any comments received at the public meeting will be provided to the PLB’s Board and made a part of the record and the minutes for that Board Meeting. Any person having an interest should take the opportunity to share any input you have with the PLB Board and Staff.