Benedict Dwellings LLC Side Yard for Tenants (125-H-345) | Homewood West
Home / Benedict Dwellings LLC Side Yard for Tenants (125-H-345) | Homewood West
Address: 0 Bennett Street (125-H-345)
Applicant: Benedict Dwellings LLC
End Use: Side Yard for Current Building Tenants
Benedict Dwellings LLC currently owns 125-H-346 and 125-H-347 and has successfully developed these parcels into two two-unit duplexes of affordable housing. The adjacent lot is a City-owned vacant lot that the Pittsburgh Land Bank will acquire to clear title and sell. The immediate use will be a side yard for the tenants of Benedict Dwellings. This will be the short-term use while Benedict Dwellings LLC works to build the capital stack to construct another affordable duplex.
PLB Board approved the sale of these properties at its public meeting on Friday, July 12, 2024.
Do you have questions about the development project?
Do you have general feedback for Land Bank Staff and/or Board?
Do you want to file an objection or express support for the sale?