PHDC HOME REHAB (UPPER HILL NEIGHBORHOOD) – Block 10-C, Lot 26, Block 27-B, Lots 392 and 393, and Block 26-P, Lots 156, 157, and 164
- Address: 2526 Bedford (Parcel No. 10-C-26)
- Address: 826 Shawnee St (Parcel No. 27-B-392)
- Address: 828 Shawnee St (Parcel No. 27-B-393)
- Address: 0 Adelaide St (Parcel No. 26-P-156)
- Address: 0 Adelaide St (Parcel No. 26-P-157)
- Address: 736 Adelaide St (Parcel No. 26-P-164)
- Applicant: Pittsburgh Housing Development Corporation (PHDC)
- End Use: Home Rehabs available to those at or below 80% Area Median Income (AMI)
The Pittsburgh Land Bank’s development partner, Pittsburgh Housing Development Corporation, will be purchasing these properties for affordable home rehabs available to those at or below 80% AMI.
PLB Board approved the sale of this property at the November 2023 public meeting (Friday, November 3, 2023)
Do you have questions about the development project?
Do you have general feedback for Land Bank Staff and/or Board?
Do you want to file an objection or express support for the sale?
After a property is approved for sale by The Pittsburgh Land Bank Board, there is a 20-day objection period. If the Land Bank receives 15 or more objections, the Land Bank will hold a community meeting to collect additional feedback and concerns. The feedback will then be presented to the Land Bank Board, who will vote a second time on whether or not to proceed with the sale.
To file an objection, express support for the project, or ask a question, please use the form below.