URA Site Assembly for LIHTC Application (Parcel Nos. 174-J-276, 276 and 174-K-273, 274) | Homewood South


(PARCEL NOS. 174-J-276, 174-J-275, 174-K-273, & 174-K-274) | HOMEWOOD SOUTH

  • Address: 0 Bennett Street (174-J-275)
  • Address: 0 Bennett Street (174-J-276)
  • Address: 7233 Bennett Street (174-K-273)
  • Address: 7235 Bennett Street (174-K-274)
  • Applicant: Urban Redevelopment Authority of Pittsburgh (“URA”)
  • End Use: Site Assembly for a future LIHTC project

The Pittsburgh Land Bank is acquiring this property to clear title and sell to the Urban Redevelopment Authority to complete a site assembly for a future Low-Income Housing Tax Credits (“LIHTC”) project in the Homewood neighborhood. 

PLB Board approved the sale of these properties at its public meeting on Friday, June 14, 2024. 

  • Do you have questions about the development project?

  • Do you have general feedback for Land Bank Staff and/or Board?

  • Do you want to file an objection or express support for the sale?